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Also-Known-As Newsletter: June 2023

June 17, 2023

Become A Member

Letter from our President Elect:  Lindsay Geier

Hello Also-Known-As family,

For those who I have not had the privilege of meeting yet, my name is Lindsay Geier, Also-Known-As 涂婷 & 萧颖妍. It is a distinct honor to be named as the 12th individual to hold the title of President, and first Chinese President of an organization that I wholeheartedly believe in.

Over the past 27+ years since the formation of Also-Known-As, each of you have played integral roles in shaping our community as a space where adoptees can empower, build and transform together. My goal for this upcoming term is to identify ways to protect the legacy that was set before me while continuing to support the expansion and ever-evolving growth of community topics and priorities.

This work would not be possible without the dedicated commitment, hard-work and passion from those who serve on the Board of Directors, Advisory Committee, and of course our active community. I look forward to all that we will continue to achieve together!

While we will formally resume programming this fall, please do not hesitate to reach out for support, partnership and community building opportunities in the interim.

In unity,


Also-Known-As 涂婷 & 萧颖妍


Thank you to our amazing community!Also-Known-As extends a big thank you to our amazing community of adoptees, families and friends - of whom over 100 came out to celebrate another amazing year at our annual picnic in Prospect Park in Brooklyn. Big shoutout and thanks to BulBap Grill for providing the delicious food and mochi donuts!Wishing everyone a wonderful summer and we look forward to seeing everyone in September when we kick-off the next program year!Upcoming Events

Pre-IKAA Gathering Meet & Greet 6/20

Are you attending the International Korean Adoptee Associations (IKAA) conference and want a chance to meet your fellow Also-Known-As travelers?  Have you gone in previous years and have some advice to share or can answer questions?  Or perhaps you just want to hang out? If you fit any of those categories, please stop in on Tuesday, June 20, anytime between 6-8PM and say hello! Also-Known-As's former President from 2017-2022 and IKAA representative, Mike Mullen will be leading this informal IKAA Meet and Greet.

WHAT: Pre-IKAA Meet and Greet
WHERE: Tap Haus 33, 14 E 33rd St, New York, NY 10016
WHEN: Tuesday, June 20, 6 - 8 pm

Additional information about what to expect during the IKAA, the latest schedule will be discussed, and food will be provided.  See you there!

Community News

Korean Language Classes. Get ready for the fall semester of language classes offered by the Korean Education Center of New York!  This diverse range of online classes, including certificate courses and specialized programs for students preparing to study in Korea, will be conducted online from August 7th to November 17th, spanning 15 weeks with 2 hours of instruction per week, for an incredibly low price.  With small class sizes accommodating under 10 people, students can enjoy personalized attention with experienced instructors who provide immediate feedback and support. Registration will open at the end of June, so be on the lookout for the update at https://www.kecny.org/koreanclass1, which will be posted shortly!

The next Korea Gathering is being planned for July 10 to 16th 2023. To learn more about the gathering and register to attend, visit the 2023 Gathering page. IKAA is also recruiting volunteers. If you’re interested in volunteering with the planning committee, please fill out this form.

To publish your news in our community section, please send us an email with the details!

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